Webinar Offerings
Pay Less for College Webinar Series

Determining Financial Fit

How to complete the FAFSA Accurately and Effectively

How to Complete the CSS Profile Accurately and Effectively

Decoding and Comparing Financial Aid Award Letters and How to appeal your financial aid award

Now That I’ve Deposited, How do I Pay?


Decoding and Comparing Financial Aid Award Letters and How to appeal your financial aid award
- Live, interactive, convenient, private with time for your questions
- What is a financial aid award letter
- How to translate the financial aid described in your award letters to your net cost
- How to make sure you have a multi-year award
- How to understand the requirements to receive each award
- How to compare award letters from different schools
- How to calculate the real cost of attending each school
- How to write an effective financial aid appeal
- How to evaluate responses from aid offices

College financial aid award letters are often difficult to understand making it hard for students and parents to calculate the real cost of college and compare school to school. In this session we will review actual award letters (maybe even yours) and show you how to translate them into real numbers that you can understand and compare.
After the award letter review we will discuss how you should go about requesting additional aid if you feel the current offers are not sufficient. We have decades of experience as high level decision makers in the financial aid office and have reviewed thousands of financial aid appeals over the years. There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to request additional assistance and we will show you how to skillfully navigate the process.
Target Audience: Post Admission Seniors and Parents
Schedule: March, April, May
Price: $49.99 - free with AccessApplied ™ Fee Waiver
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