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"As the college admissions and financing process has gotten more and more complex an entire industry has emerged to capitalize on the anxiety and tension surrounding it. From independent college counselors to test prep tutors, there is no lack of companies and individuals willing to help you spend money to get your child into a good college.

While I have resisted encouraging my families to buy into this culture I do know there are some honest and knowledgeable folks out there. And one area that might actually, literally, pay off is financial aid counseling. For the novice, the financial aid process can be arcane, often frustrating, and always time consuming. And to make matters worse, financial aid policies are frequently different from institution to institution! Therefore an investment in college financing advice is one area of advice I am increasingly encouraging my families pursue.

And I can think of no better financial aid and college financing resource than the gentlemen at Reducing College Costs. David, James, and Jim are financial aid insiders. They know the institutions and the process intimately - in many cases they were instrumental in writing the policies that most colleges follow today. For the families at Pace Academy, I value their unique experience, seek out their expert insight, and trust their counsel implicitly.”

Gavin Bradley
Director of College Counseling
Pace Academy
Atlanta, GA

"I have been in college counseling in a variety of ways, since 1990. I can honestly say that I have never seen the issues of financial planning, finding a good financial fit for students and families, and the intricacies of understanding how to apply for financial assistance handled with such clarity. The team at Reducing College Costs has really managed to offer safe, professional, intimate and thorough advice regarding the basics of college costs and much of it can be done from the comfort of your home. Our families at Latin School of Chicago have found the complimentary webinars jam-packed with helpful information and I find myslef learning new ways to counsel families each time I hear Dave, James and Jim's presentations."

Elizabeth Pleshette
Director of College Counseling
Latin School of Chicago
Chicago, IL

"Any parent worried about paying for college should reach out to the folks at Reducing College Costs as soon as possible.  Although I didn’t begin working with them until the fall of my daughter’s senior year, I am very happy with the results we achieved. They helped me manage the financial aid application process and ultimately qualify for additional grant aid at my daughter’s first choice school. They also helped me understand the actual cost of college as well as the different options available for paying my share. They even helped my accountant sort through the complexities of the new education tax credit and was always available to answer questions.”

Peter H.

"We started working with the experts at Reducing College Costs when our son was a high school sophomore and just beginning the college search process.  Given the state of the current economy, we really wanted to get an accurate sense of the real costs for a family like ours at different types of schools we were considering.  And we also wanted to uncover every possible option for reducing the cost.    Through our process, they helped us identify and expand the consideration set of schools to include a variety of realistic college options for our son where the quality of the college experience and education would be comparable to the name ‘brand’ schools but at a lower cost for our family. This additional consideration set has stimulated much thinking and discussion about what is really important to our son and our family in his college selection process
All in all, it has been a big relief to be well informed about these issues as we discuss application options with the college counselor at our son’s school.”

Jim C.

"We contacted the experts at Reducing Colleges Costs to help us decide the best way to save for our 5 and 9 year-old daughters college costs. They reviewed our family and financial information and carefully explained the best options available to us. They discovered that we were could realize significant savings by having a grandparent involved in the process. This allowed us create a college savings plan designed specifically for our family. By having a concrete savings plan to follow we can track our progress to be sure we are meeting our savings goals. We are extremely pleased with the quality of service we received and the professionalism of our expert at Reducing College Costs.”

Jim and Sarah P.
New Orleans, L

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