Before you pay for our expert advice, we would like you to take a moment to consider the return on such an investment. After all, your payment to us represents an investment that you hope will pay off in money saved; or time saved; or stress reduced; or all of the above.
Our best in class Paying for College Workshop costs $99. This three hour workshop covers all the specialized information that parents and students need to know in order to determine which colleges will be affordable - including an in depth examination of costs, financial aid and college payment strategies. After three hours of expert instruction you will be very well positioned to save time and money. We have absolutely no doubt that every family will find this offering to be worth it.
For families that want an intensive review of their specific educational goals and financial situation, our highly personalized Comprehensive College Cost Reduction Planning service is available for only $975. If you have completed the Paying for College Workshop, this fee is reduced to $875.
Let's review the potential Return on Investment for the Comprehensive College Cost Reduction Planning service.
In simple financial terms, you will break even if the analysis and advice we provide helps you save as little $1000 over the next five or six years. That's only $200 per year for four years of college and another $200 during the years that encompass college search and application activity.
If we help you save a total of only $2000 at any time between the beginning of the college search process and college graduation, your investment in our services will have returned nearly100%.
If you save a total of $5000 your investment return is roughly 500%. You get the picture.
Are any of your other college savings investments providing returns at this level?
Probably not.
These figures do not even include the value of the time you will save as we decode a very complicated process for you. Parents of college bound high school students spend a great deal of time on college search and the potential savings in this area is significant. How much free time do you have and how much is it worth? We'll let you do the math on this one.
While we cannot project or guarantee a precise time and dollar savings figure for every family, we are so confident that you will be satisfied with the value of our services that we will unconditionally return your fee if this is not the case.